Jingjing Chen


When the World was Young

written and illustrated by Jingling Chen

Long ago, when the world was young, everything was new and curious. Everything had to learn how to live and grow in harmony with each other, but especially a baby. The baby learns, grows, and adapts to change. He follows the journey of the sun, the moon, and the water in a world full of wonder and possibility. Finally, he finds his own place and purpose in the world. 

Perfect for children who love nature, animals, and the outdoors, this captivating picture book will spark their imagination and encourage them to explore the world around them.

Jingjing Chen’s artistic flair, global viewpoint, and roots in Eastern culture all enhance her illustrations. She uses vivid colours and shapes to create lively and quirky sceneries, and she has a deep interest in the natural world and its mysteries.

IG: @pingu0209